Meet the team.

Kevin & Tara Millstid

Lead Pastors
Kevin and Tara were elected to serve as Lead Pastors at Calvary Church Loveland on August 21st, 2019.

They met while both serving as student pastors in 2003 and were married in September 2005. Since their union,
they have served in various capacities in numerous churches and districts, including Children’s Director,
Student Pastors, Worship and Music Directors, Assistant Pastors, and North American Missions Directors, and Pastors.

In 2014, Kevin and Tara began pastoring in Robert Lee, TX, faithfully leading and serving the congregation of
Emmanuel United Pentecostal Church. In 2019, the Lord directed their steps to move to Loveland, Colorado.
Through their unwavering faith, love, and deep commitment to spiritual growth and community outreach,
Calvary Church Loveland has witnessed Apostolic revival, healing, and numerous miracles. This impact
extends not only to those who call Calvary Church Loveland home but also to many in our community.

Together, they have a vision and mission to make Calvary Church Loveland a place where
the transition from merely living life to experiencing the abundant, overcoming life promised by Jesus can happen.

Nathanael & Jessica Montesano

Student Pastors

Alex & Becky Grant

Discipleship / Children’s Ministry Coordinators

Victor & Lora Stewart

Recovery and Outreach Coordinators

Kirk & Stacey Smith

Men's Ministry / Media & Web Administrators

Gary & Doreen Montesano

Outreach / Ladies Ministry and Junior Bible Quizzing Coordinator